World Championship Predator Lure 2024.
Upper Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
The National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland invites you to the 15th World Championships Predator Boat Fishing with Lures that will be held in Northern Ireland from 30th of September to 6th October 2024.
The destination for the championships is the Share Discovery Village just outside the town of Lisnaskea.
The federation is delighted to be able to support Share, a registered charity promoting social inclusion, education and the environment through water and land-based activities in its unique location on the tranquil shores of the Upper Lough Erne and to bring you the championships with the support of Fermanagh Omagh District Council and DAERA Inland Fisheries.
For more inf & to register > https://www.ncffi.ie/world-predatorlure-2024/